
01986 896304


Parental Involvement

Statement of Intent

Beehive Day Nursery believes that children benefit most from nursery

education and care when parents and nurseries work together in partnership.


To support parents as their children’s first and most important educators and to involve parents in the life of the nursery and their children’s education


In order to fulfil these aims:

  • We are committed to ongoing communication with parents to improve our knowledge of the needs of their children and to support their families
  • Through access to written information and through regular informal communication, we inform all parents about how the nursery is run and its policies. We check to ensure parents understand the information which is given to them
  • We inform all parents on a regular basis about their children’s progress. This is done through regular informal chats as well as more formal meetings.
  • We involve parents in the shared record-keeping about their children by encouraging them to contribute regularly to their children’s Learning Journeys. We ensure that parents always have access to their children’s Learning Journeys.  We use the Tapestry online Learning Journey system, which enables parents to access their child’s Learning Journey at any time and encourages them to make regular contributions.  We can print out a child's Tapestry Learning Journey  for those parents who cannot or do not wish to use the technology required for Tapestry.
  • We provide opportunities for parents to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the group
  • We consult with parents about the times of meetings and other events to avoid excluding anyone
  • We provide information about opportunities for being involved in the nursery in ways which are accessible to parents with basic skill needs or those for whom English is an additional language
  • We welcome the contributions of parents.
  • We inform all parents of the systems for complaints, queries or suggestions. All parents have access to our written complaints procedure
  • We provide opportunities for parents to learn about the nursery curriculum and about young children’s learning at the nursery and at home

In compliance with the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework, following documentation is in place

  • Admissions policy
  • Complaints procedure
  • Record of complaints
  • Information on activities provided for children


This policy is reviewed annually

This policy was adopted by the management and staff at Beehive Day Nursery on 5th September 2004.

Latest review October 2018

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